Friday, June 28, 2013


I am learning a new. 
It's haunting, nagging and irritating. Aimlessly you walk through your day. Chores, job, images pass through your head, you stop and ponder. Keeping a small sketch book or my 'eyepad' near me helps. If an idea pops into my head, I take a moment and jot it down.

It came to me in a dream: 
List after lists of images - they are fleeting, distracting and seducing.          

In all of natures beauty, RED- catches my attention. I think it began with my mom. You see she has red hair and when my dad was alive he would address her as 'red bird'. Every card, every bouquet of flowers would be signed 'red bird' when red is introduced into my landscape I am captured visually. I cannot deny - it also began at birth, red is the beginning, it is life and it is the breath. Scientifically it is a color that catches the eye, it demands attention. In color theory, red is the most memorable, the longest wavelength in the spectrum and it sits in the memory the longest.

It came to me in a dream:
Visceral reds, oranges with strait ions of black...yellow orange hues...Red is a landscape in itself ... Red is passion - evoking an important calm and ever important zest for life at the same time. It is birth, death and rebirth.

I begin with the simplest of art forms, the pencil and with self...
I am in rediscovery mode. Hello pencil, I have longed for you, hello face, you are my good friend. As usual my face is sad, the years since my last attempt of self has proven little change in this emotion. I am looking down into the mirror; but with restlessness, get up leaving the pencil, return to the pencil, my face becomes a bit distorted..I like that, mimicking my life. The skin is sagging with age and gravity. The lines are more pronounced. The eyes have been through so much...reflection of emotions and of the heart. Obviously I could be here a long time, there is much to discover. But i grow impatient, there is so much to do, so little ambition. I have always loved faces. I have always wanted to draw older faces, older portraits; people who've have experience drawn into their eyes, their smiles. Life stories depicted in their faces. This is me - crooked, distorted, unfinished a faint image of who I am to become. This is me.

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